“Joy radiates in my heart and stimulates my efforts. The faithful are happy to see the environment of their parish progress and transform.”
The Parish of Our Lady of Sorrows is located in Lombard, a town of 21,000 in the north of Haiti. The parish has an active membership of 3,200 and was not affected by the recent earthquake, although the town is sending much needed aid to their Haitian brothers and sisters.
Each Sunday, Mass is celebrated outside. The work of building a parish church where the faithful can worship is beyond the financial means of the parishioners, many of whom are farmers, local merchants, and taxi drivers. A $100,000 grant from The Papal Foundation was given to assist with the construction of the much-needed church.
“I must admit that despite the incomplete construction of this church, this work has enabled me to find spaces for major celebrations during this time of the COVID 19 pandemic.”
“We first say thank you to the Lord for his goodness. It was he who allowed us to find the necessary financial means to start this great work. We also thank Him because He accompanied us during the course of the work, despite the socio-political crisis in the country.”
Thank you again for your generosity, which is making a difference in the lives of so many. We’ll be sure to update you on other Haitian grant recipients in the weeks ahead. Blessings to you and your family,