Scholarship Award Process

Steps in the Application and Award Process
All applicants, including those reapplying for an additional scholarship, must follow these steps:

First-Time Applicants

  1. An application form and instruction sheet are to be requested from the Apostolic Nunciature in the country where the applicant’s Ordinary (Bishop) and /or nearest Major Superior resides.
  2. The Ordinary and/or Major Superior must provide a letter of sponsorship, in English if possible, and include a statement of how the candidate’s studies will benefit the Church in one’s Arch/Diocese or religious community. Requests from lay applicants (non-seminarians) must also indicate that the candidates have agreed to place their studies at the service of the Diocese and must specify the modalities of that arrangement. Letters must be original and printed on official letterhead. No outdated forms, scans or photocopies will be accepted by the Nunciature.
  3. The applicant is to forward the completed form and required documentation to the Apostolic Nunciature. For security reasons, applicants are asked not to send copies of passports or other certificates of identity. Only the required documentation is to be included.
  4. The request will be evaluated and sent to the Office of the Assessor of the Vatican Secretariat of State, so that it arrives by the cut-off date of February 28th. Late applications will not be accepted.
  5. The Nunciature will inform the applicant date when the application was forwarded to the Secretariat of State.
  6. Between 1 June and 15 June, all applicants will be notified of the status of their request. Any other questions may be directed to: [email protected].


Renewal Applicants

Those who are currently receiving a scholarship and who wish to receive additional funding must send the following to the Office of the Assessor of the Vatican Secretariat of State:

  1. New application form, which they will receive by e-mail from the Scholarship office of The Papal Foundation in November.
  2. Original signed letter of endorsement on letterhead from the dean of the faculty where one is enrolled. No scan or photocopy will be accepted.
  3. Transcript of courses and marks received – the most recent available. This applies also to doctoral candidates, including those not currently attending courses. Students renewing for the first time do not need to include this transcript with their application. However, the dean’s letter must be included, as it precisely communicates the student’s academic standing, work ethic and character.
  4. Original photograph attached to the application. No scan or photocopy.

The completed application and required documentation must arrive in the Office of the Assessor no later than February 28th.


New Cycle

Saeman Scholars who are interested in applying for a scholarship toward a new cycle of studies are to request a new application form for that purpose from the Nunciature in the country where their ecclesiastical Superior resides. They are to then send their completed application back to the Nunciature along with the following documents in hard copy: 

  1. A new signed letter of sponsorship from their Ordinary or nearest Major Religious Superior, in English, if possible. This letter must not be a copy; it should specify how an advanced degree is essential in their Arch/Diocese or religious community and how it will benefit the Church. 
  2.  An original photograph attached to the application; no scans or photocopies. 
  3.  An original signed letter of endorsement on official stationery from the Dean of the Faculty they attended, briefly appraising their character and abilities. 
  4. Their most recent examination results.

The Nuncio will evaluate the request and forward it to the Office of the Assessor, notifying the student of the date of the consignment. All documentation must arrive at this Office no later than 28 February.