Scholars in Action
Recipients of Saint John Paul II Scholarships are known as Saeman Scholars, named after the founders of the Foundation’s scholarship program.
More than 1500 priests, religious, seminarians and laity have received scholarships since the program’s inception.
Here are a few Saeman Scholar stories!
‘Thank You’ Thursday Spotlights Religious Sisters Studying in Rome
Sister Mwila is a Francisan Missionary Sister of Service. This is Sr. Mwila’s first year as a Saint John Paul II Scholar studying at the Institute of Theology of the Consecrated Life Claretianum. Sr. Mwila is in her second year of studying for her Doctorate in Theology in Consecrated Life. On completing her studies she will be in charge of Formation, Initial and Ongoing, in their Congregation and hopefully also on a national level in Zambia.
A ‘Thank You’ from Nigeria
Father Julius Madaki first began studies in Rome in 2013. He received scholarship assistance for eight years from the Foundation’s Saint John Paul II Scholarship Fund. Father Madaki started his Licentiate studies at the Augustinianum Lateran University and completed his coursework and achieved his doctorate in Patristics earlier this year with a defense of his thesis, “Conversion through Baptism: Jovininian’s Heresy.”